

Mosquito extermination and control in Northeast Ohio

Diseases spread by mosquitoes are a concern in Ohio each year. They are also a nuisance with their clouds of swarms and bites. With more than 3,000 species of mosquito on the planet, we only deal with a few prominent types in Northeast Ohio. According to the Ohio Dept of Health, there are about 60 different species in our area: the most common mosquitos are the Eastern tree hole mosquito, malaria mosquito, Northern house mosquito, and more recently, the Asian tiger mosquito. Mosquitoes are vectors for disease. They are active during the warmest months, May through October. Mosquito activity will stop after the first hard frost in the fall.

Where do mosquitoes come from?

Mosquitoes can be found around homes, campgrounds, and parks. More specifically, they breed in catch basins, stagnant water in ditches, and containers of water with high organic matter such as clogged gutters, flowerpot saucers, anywhere that can hold standing water. Eliminating these breeding sites is the first step in mosquito control. It’s best to work with a professional to deal with your mosquito problem.

Common mosquitoes in Ohio

  • Eastern tree hole mosquito
  • Malaria mosquito
  • Northern house mosquito
  • more recently, the Asian tiger mosquito.

Why mosquitoes are dangerous

Mosquitoes spread diseases in our region such as:

  • Eastern equine encephalitis virus
  • La Crosse virus
  • St. Louis encephalitis virus
  • West Nile virus

Common mosquitoes are outdoor pests. They interfere with daily life by landing on a person and biting them which triggers a reaction. The CDC states, “When a mosquito bites you, it pierces the skin using a special mouthpart (proboscis) to suck up blood. As the mosquito is feeding, it injects saliva into your skin. Your body reacts to the saliva resulting in a bump and itching. Some people have only a mild reaction to a bite or bites”.

What to do about mosquitoes

The first step in any pest control plan is identifying the species of pest you are dealing with. After identification, knowing the habits and biology of the mosquito will lead you to the areas that are breeding grounds. You can resolve these conditions and work with an experienced pest management specialist like SMART Exterminators to treat your property and help deal with the remaining issues that are conducive to mosquitoes

Mosquito problem? Contact us!

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