
What is pest control, and why should you care?

Pest control may seem like an unnecessary service, but we’re here to keep your property safe and protect your health. Pests can spread serious and even fatal diseases.

In short, pest control is the management of any intrusive pest that can be harmful to your health and investments. 

How do pests affect you? 

All pests leave behind traces of being in your home or business. Bugs leave behind skin sheds that can go airborne and contaminate your family’s quality of air in the home. Many people have allergies to insect sheds which can exacerbate health conditions like asthma and general skin allergies. 

According to the EPA, some pests and rodents can pose a serious health risk. Some insects, such as ants, contaminate and spoil food that they come into contact with, ruining those pricey groceries! Ants can contaminate food by traveling into the kitchen through plumbing, cracks in the foundation, and other voids and gaps in the home. Then they will crawl onto countertops and other surfaces looking for crumbs and food.

The cockroach is a big concern in food contamination, asthma, and allergies in general. Roaches love to occupy our living spaces, especially kitchens. The German cockroach does not exist naturally outdoors in mild climates, they count on their human counterparts for all their needs.

Bed bugs leave raised, itchy bumps from their bites. Everybody reacts differently to bug bites as it’s our body’s immune response to an interaction with an insect. You may have a very mild skin or respiratory irritation compared to someone else’s reaction in the same household. Bed bugs leave many skin sheds behind as they molt through several stages of development. These skin sheds are an allergen as well. You’ll want to call a pest management professional to inspect the home in order to find and control the pests wreaking havoc. Self-treatment likely will leave you with bed bugs scattered throughout your home, and it is important that you hire a professional.

And then there are rodents.

The culprit of billions of dollars in damage to property and agriculture across the U.S, and the bubonic plague in the 1600s. In the U.S alone, rats alone cause roughly $20 billion in damage to homes, businesses, and agriculture every year.

Rodents are responsible for a whole range of problems for the public. Worldwide, rats and mice spread over 35 diseases. These pests are responsible for enormous amounts of damage to human health and our properties. 

Mice often stay hidden and unnoticed, they are stealthy survivors. You may not notice a mouse infestation until there are several dozen mice, at which point they’ve likely run out of nesting space and venture out into more open areas looking for more food and shelter. Rodents can scurry across countertops and live inside stored boxes, and even your furniture! Their ability to spread illness and disease is unmatched. 

These are just a few examples of how pests invade your home and put your family’s health at risk. They aren’t only a nuisance, they are responsible for diseases all over the world. 

We can help control these pests in your home! Using a professional will save you time and money. Our company has the experience and skills to assist you with all your pest control needs.

Contact SMART Exterminators today for a free inspection or quote!

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